“Sonic brand identity” is a thing now

When I hum “parapapapaa I’m lovin’ it”, you probably realise how deeply engrained some “sound logos” are. The jingles of big brands that are unmistakably associated. Ogilvy is predicting we’ll go a step further in 2024, in what they call “the sound of influence”.

Music is universal

No wonder brands are starting to think about musical associations. As Ogilvy summarises: TikTok ads with sound drive significant lifts in sales conversion and brand favourability, and Meta reports that 80% of story content with voiceover or music drive better low- funnel results. A recent “best in class” example is Just Eat featuring Katy Perry. Did somebody say Just Eat? 😉

How to DIY a sonic identity for your brand?

We can’t all afford Katy Perry to sing our tune. So here’s how I would sculpt a sound strategy as a brand. First, determine what general mood matches your brand: is it “lofi”, more quirky or even hard rock? Assemble a database of rights-free sounds that match the mood. Second, try to a common denominator in the sounds you’ve collected. A certain beat, some ensemble of notes you like and are quite recognosable. You can use these as intermezzos in your content. Next, you can use tools that use AI to create custom sounds. And believe me, a quick Google search shows there are plenty to experiment with!

So many AI music generation tools to create your sonic branding.

Finally, your own voice can be your brand. They way you talk in your videos, certain catchphrases. Experiment with what triggers your audience.

So, what will your brand’s sonic identity look like?

Belgian digital advertising strategist with a strong focus on trendwatching.

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